~ The Red Rabbit ~
Some of the greatest joys of life are those that
are the simplest . Like all kids my lil one loves
stories and quickly finishes dinner for her
favorite pastime of the day - Bedtime Stories ...
Bed time story narration is more of a custom
in our house . I always believe that this is the
best time for our kiddos to snuggle and connect
with us before going to sleep.These days I'm reading
out 'Alice in Wonderland ' to her . Her fascination
towards the White Rabbit inspired me to create
this Red rabbit for her ....................
The Red Rabbit
Watermelon, olives, cucumber , carrots
The Tiny Taste Team @ Sainsbury
their latest campaign .. I was too eager to check their
wonderful - 'Tiny Taste Team' . The mere name suggests
all the fun there . The Tiny Taste team ,is a group of young
food fans who invite adults to cook them some treats
using delicious Sainsbury's ingredients.
Join them on facebook to be a part of their wonderful
journey ... www.facebook.com/sainsburys