~ Children's Day ~
"Children are the living messages we send to
a time we will not see " - John W. Whitehead
Childhood is all about innocence n playfulness.
It is the best phase of ones life , free from
social burdens and responsibilities.
Universally Children's Day is celebrated on 20th .
Nov each year , but in India it is celebrated on
14th Nov , coz this date marks the birth anniversary
of India's first Prime Minister - Pandit Nehru.
This day reminds each of us to renew our commitment
to the welfare of children , and make all the little
ones feel very special ........
Mini Meals
Vegetable Rice, olive, peas, carrots, lemon, Indian karaunda ( a sour berry rich in vit c - similar to cranberry )
Kiddy Custard
Custard pudding topped with seasonal fruits ( apples, kiwis,
cherries ,black grapes, oranges , candied carambola (star fruit)
A Sweet Treat
Lollies and candies bouquet
The best thing to spend on a child is surely our time !!!
My First blogger Award
Warm thanks to My Little Space who has nominated
me for this wonderful Kreativ Blogger award.
Thanks a lot for liking my blog .This award
truly encourages me towards more creations !!!
As per the rules i have to nominate 7 great bloggers and they are :-
Congrats Buddies !!! Pl accept this award and pass
it on to other bloggers to make them feel wonderful
too !!! Pl follow the rules as listed below -
(1) Thank the person who has given you the award.
(2) Copy the logo and place it to your blog.
(3) Link to the person who has nominated you the award.
(4) Name 7 things about yourself
(5) Nominate 7 kreativ bloggers