James Cameron's completely immersive 3-D sci fi
epic- Avatar with all its blue aliens was so much liked by my little one that for some days her girly favorite Pink
color mania had changed into a sudden blue !!! "Mama now
my favorite color is blue .. " Blue dress , blue colors, blue
hanky ,blue bedcover my lil one suddenly wanted every
thing blue. I agreed with her blue fever but her request
for blue food really left me in a fix. I jus knew about
blueberries as something naturally blue but then
these are not available in India .. Blue jellies , blue
syrups , blue cakes .... Google showed a list of some
whacky blue things readily available in the market ...
but then they wern't available here:( Finally blue
squash , mint candies n blue M&Ms were the only
things i could get ... Thank God her blue mania
felt contented with these .......& off went her blue
color fever in a couple of days ...
Yesterday while helping my nephew with his science
the water blue !!! - adding lemon juice makes it turn
pink while addition of baking soda darkens its color)
After a lot of googling I was eager to incorporate this
into my food experiments .....(ahh what fun we had
dipping the eggs ,radish ,white onions in this concoction
jus wished I had known it before... :) :) :)
The Pandora Rice
( or should i call it The Avatar Rice )
Rice cooked in red cabbage water n veggies .
( The cabbage water doesn't add much of a flavor to the rice
so feel free to experiment with your own flavorings n spices )
The Magic Eggs
Eggs dipped in red cabbage water ( for blue shade ).
Add few drops of lime juice to the cabbage water
& immerse the eggs for pink color ones.
Award Time
for this lovely award . I am so happy to receive it
& with all love I pass it to all my blogger buddies ..
Artsy - Crafty Challenge ( Apr 2010 )
The Babushka Piggy Bank
Sending our paper mache Russian Doll (babushka)
is a great craft for all ages . Although its very simple to make
but owing to tons of pasting becomes a little messy at times .
Blow a large ballon , once knotted or tied try to create a
basic babushka shape by pressing the ballon in the centre .
Stick a jam bottle lid on the base of the ballon for a stable
standing of the project . Mix 3 tbsp fevicol with a cup of water,
tear lots of newspapers into small pieces , dip into this solution
n stick on the ballon ( say 4-5 layers ). Let it dry overnight.
Now gently cut a coin size slot on the top . Color & decorate .
Finally coat a layer of clear varnish to protect the colors .
( Suitable for kids 4 yrs + under adult supervision )
click here to enlarge