Monday, September 17, 2012

Pup on my plate

~ My Little Pup ~

Few days back my lil one had to write a few lines
on her pet. Since we don't have a pet at home, I
took her to a friends place so that she could spend
some time with her friends & their cute little pet
puppy & get a brief idea about the topic. Back home
while she wrote some lovely lines on it , I decided
to treat her on a visual representation of the same.

Puppy on my plate

Dinner rolls, cucumber , olives, hard boiled egg.


  1. You are such an encouraging Mom..She must be so happy to see her words into your designed puppy :-)

  2. Hi Smita,
    What a wonderful pics of Pup on my plate you have here.
    Perhaps you're interested to submit your food photos on a food photography site that has tagline "Food Photography that will make you hungry" :)
    It's free to submit, free to join, and a lot of members can enjoy your creation!


Questions?? Comments !! Its a pleasure to hear from you :) :)


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