Friday, April 4, 2014

Spring Rain

~ Spring Rain ~ 

April has already stepped in!! Its difficult to understand how quickly 
time flies , its hard to  believe that the new year and christmas bells
rang more than 3 months back! Seems like a few days back  we were
 decorating the Christmas tree and now easter and summer both are 
gradually stepping in. The colorful spring flowers are in their last
 blooms but wait there is something really unusual about this spring,
 its has been raining quite a lot this time , undoubtedly  the sudden 
showers refresh us but it adds to the plight of the poor farmers 
who have already faced much damage to their crops.  

Owing to the  sudden thunderstorm and downpour in the evening , little 
one could not go out to play with her friends. While she was busy admiring 
the pitter patter of the rain on the leaves and spring blossoms, I decided 
to capture the scene on plate. 

The sudden thunderstorm and weather disturbance filled the market place 
with oranges and  I stocked up (as much my refrigerator could hold) a few
 dozens for juice and fruity ice lollies. The berries were driving me crazy!!
Spring is also the season  to dig into unlimited berries too. 

 Along with the fun salad I made a big bowl of refreshing fruit salad too.
Luscious strawberries, cape gooseberries, cherry tomatoes, kiwi, grapes 
all tossed up with some lemon juice,mint  and black salt .

The garden and  the plants thoroughly enjoyed the sudden shower and 
 the lil one her themed salad. 

Orange, grapes, banana , parsley and toasted sunflower seeds. 


  1. beautiful! Creativity at its best:)

  2. great idea smitha! very creative

    Felicidades amiga :)))

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