Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Preserve Ozone Day

~World Ozone Day ~

The International Day for the Preservation of Ozone layer
 is celebrated on 16th of September each year. This date has
 been designated by the United Nations General Assembly to 
commemorate the signing of the protocol on substances that
 deplete the ozone layer. Few days back my lil one and I 
were working on a Save the Ozone project for her school, while 
explaining her how the ozone layer protects us from the harmful
 UV radiation from the sun and how we can save our planet 
we thought about doing some weekend activities. We scribbled
out some ideas and finally lil one made an informative poster. 

Today on the Preservation of Ozone layer day I decided to 
transform her poster into an edible version. 

Save the Ozone layer 

Earth- Brown bread topped with mayo mixed with a drop 
of blue food color, greens ,cheese, olives ,carrot and bean. 
Sun - Orange with cheese, olive and cucumber.  

 We contribute to protect the ozone layer by keeping our 
air conditioner clean, walking for short distances, maintaining
 our shopping list to reduce the use  of vehicles,by buying energy
 saving bulbs and gadgets & taking care of our plants after all 
 each drop in an ocean counts 


Questions?? Comments !! Its a pleasure to hear from you :) :)


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