Monday, December 22, 2014


~Merry Christmas-2 ~

Christmas is in the air, colorful baubles and beautifully 
decorated Christmas trees are surely a treat to the eyes!! 
Local markets and shopping malls have transformed into
tiny santa lands with the festive paraphernalia beautifully 
displayed all over the market place. Its Xmas everywhere !! 
Chill winds and fog give a perfect excuse to spent the morning 
indoors and indulge in some  cutie treats for lil ones. A bit of 
 creativity n food play with some readily available ingredients
 is perfect to add some warmth to cold winter mornings. 

Good Morning Santa !!! 

Whole wheat bread topped with peanut butter, sliced bananas 
strawberry, grapes and red berry. 

Christmas is incomplete without sweet treats and fresh bakes, 
while we have been baking our gingerbreadman cookies for the 
Christmas eve, our big jar of soaked fruits and nuts is all juicy
 and full of aroma, just waiting to flavor our spiced Plum cake. 

While I was busy making this Santa PB sandwich for 
daughter , she was standing beside me and creating a cute 
little breakfast for her daddy - a red nose rudolph with 
some pocky stick horns !! While the daddy daughter 
duo was laying the table for breakfast I was busy
 clicking some pics of the Xmas cuties. 

Xmas breakfast .......

The house is all ready for Christmas, must share this 
DIY santa that daughter made with some outer garlic 
peels ,paper plate and some crystals sometimes back. 

Santa Craft 

Paper plate, outer garlic peels, cotton , color paper & colorful decorations. 


Questions?? Comments !! Its a pleasure to hear from you :) :)


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