Thursday, April 2, 2015


~ Easter 2015 ~

Easter is just around the corner and I am
 sure lil ones at your house too are hopping around
 and  enjoying their easter/spring  break. The earthy
 smell of spring ,with a hint of summer in the air,
is totally divine. Warm  sunshine has bid adieu to
 the last winter blooms. The  chrysanthemums 
and charismatic dahlias have been taken over by 
vibrant hibiscus and soothing periwinkles and 
of course ruby Easter lilies are blooming all over. 

Easter Bunny 


Multigrain bread topped with peanut butter , apples 

banana, strawberry n grapes. 

Easter is incomplete without Easter eggs, chicks n 
bunnies.With Easter crafts and egg painting 
activities  almost dying in schools these days, I 
decided to involve my daughter and pep up some
 easter fun for the two of us at the breakfast table
 today. While she happily applied some peanut 
butter to bread I quickly chopped some fruits. 
Easter Chick 


Multigrain bread topped with peanut butter , apples 
banana, strawberry n grapes. 

Easter surely takes me back to my childhood 
days when the school canteen was filled with 
 pastel coloured sugar eggs with intricate 
royal icing patterns on them, the most exciting
 part of these eggs was to split them open and
 find an array of candies.We used to call these
 sugar eggs as golden eggs that laid candies. 
Although that old world charm is not
 available at bakeries anymore but this 
power breakfast with some eggs,milk and
 loads of my old world  stories surely added
 a zing to the breakfast.

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